Friday, November 12, 2010

first new attempt

Well, considering I'm making a new start, I guess I should make a first attempt at posting after a long absence....

Well, life has been...well, life. I'm now living in Tennessee--insanely random, but still quite enjoyable. But high school is....well...sorta,

Odd? Strange? Fun? Painful? Awesome?

And very vaguely defined.

I totally am in love with Cake right now....not just actual CAKE, but also the band Cake. They've got the weirdest yet greatest songs and lyrics :D
And now, as promised, I'm off on a tangent ;)
But I'm extremely excited that I've memorized my lines for The Crucible--a school play I'm in--it's a reeaaally big relief. I get to be an old man....whose name is two women's names put together to somehow make a man's name....Francis Nurse.
Apparently, I'm the only GUY in the play who's going to have to wear makeup...mostly because I'm young and somehow have to play an old man. So, I have to have wrinkles and gray hair and it's gonna be really really weird to wear makeup :)
But, I think this concludes my rather odd, digressing post. Til' next time?

a fresh start?

Why hello, there!
Congrats on finding this blog, it's quite an impressive feat.
I'm sort of....starting fresh. I'm gonna restart this whole thing--start using it more, and also just posting more often.
As a warning, often my posts will go off on odd tangents, and quite possibly be entirely unentertaining. Well, that's really your problem, because you're the oddball that typed in the website or clicked the link. So maybe just bear through the insanity? Peer through the blinds blocking the reality out, if you wish.
But overall, I'm just gonna start new. So, people, enjoy, feast on these words, and fulfill yourself by indulging in this sweet nonsense.