Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Hey everbody!

sorry I haven't posted for a while.

the other week, I had the opportunity to attend Especially For Youth (EFY).

for those of you who don't know what that is, I was with you guys until a little before we moved.

EFY is a large activity where the youth of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints ages 14 and older (or if you make the cut-off date like me) get together, have dances, learn the gospel, and enjoy time with other youth from the area. It lasted monday-saturday.

I was able to attend the Leeds (basically, northern England Stakes) EFY, in ENGLAND. It was held at York University, which is in, (you guessed it) York.

It was really cool. We were able to play tons of games, hear loads of speakers, and feel the spirit.

there were two dances there.

one was a learning type dance, where at the beginning we learned how to do two different formal dances: the Foxtrot and the Triple Swing.

how we managed to learn these dances in a mess hall at York University with somewhere around FOUR HUNDRED youth, I will never know. Yes, scarily enough, we had to dance boy-girl.

but, after learning some formal stuff, we had a freestyle period afterwards.

that was crazy, but fun.

the other dance was more formal.

we were dressed up in best dress (shirt, tie, and nice pants for the guys, and a knee length skirt or dress for the girls), and there were more songs for formal dancing.

I decided to be part of the EFY musical program (choir). That was fun. I made some new friends there, and had loads of fun.

we also held a variety show, which is basically a talent show. that was really neat. we had some singers, instrument players, and dancers.

we had classes for two days, in the morning and afternoon. those were neat. you got to choose what class you wanted to go to, and then just go to the room it was being held in. you got to go to four of these a day.

all in all, I grew spiritually, and enjoyed myself during it.

the allright! title, was, (as any of you EFY attenders will know) for the cheer that they do at EFY.

it goes:

allright! allright! allright allright allright HEY!

followed by a clapping pattern, then EFY!

this cheer is triggered whenever anyone says the word allright. (except during devotionals, classes and firesides.)
