Saturday, July 11, 2009

just another post

I have a feeling that posting too often may make it less exciting when I DO post.
Probably true.
Nonetheless, it works, and gives me a way to communicate to the world.


We are now living in Anlaby House, in apartment twelve. It is on the very top floor, so you get a great view at the HUGE backyard.(also-they call a backyard a garden in England) It's quite nice. Mom has decided to write down all the 'lingo' that we learn here. As I remember, so far we've collected:

Chips are fries
crispies are chips
bobbies are policemen
nappies are diapers
a mobile is a cell phone
football is soccer(fairly obvious)
dinner is lunch
tea is dinner
pudding is dessert
a chewy is a piece of gum
the loo is the bathroom
sweets is candy
jacket potatoes are baked potatoes
and cheers means goodbye.

Quite a bit, huh? And we've only been here six days!
With many more to come.
But for now, cheers!


Writer's Blog of Happiness When Not Solitary said...

I don't think this is a lingo, but:

happy Christmas: merry Christmas

they say it in one of the hp movies.

Ollie England said...

crisps* lulz